Visions of the Future in the Milky Way Galaxy
· Nexus Hub space station is built between the Earth, Moon and Mars to deliver supplies to all three planetary sectors. Space travel is open to everyone no more hidden secrets about space programs. 2035 and onwards in this timeline.
· During 2050’s there are purification hub domes built over major cities on Earth especially New York City to clean up the air and pollution on the planet with energetic shielding around each purification dome to clean up the polluted air particulates and the water systems from all pollution, cleanup of the Earth happening everywhere on the planet to restore the clean air, atmosphere and water systems.
· The 100 year event shift horizon process where the Earth becomes the nexus hub of the living planetary library in the known universe so Earth is the center point for advanced evolution and ascension processes. It is the crown jewel of peace and utopia.
· In the period of 2025 and 2050’s there is massive disclosure progress with the revelations that extraterrestrials exist and decloaking of various ET crafts in Earth orbit and above major Earth cities to announce that positive extraterrestrials have been here all along waiting to announce their presence once the species of Earth were ready to take back their freedom and reformate the living patterns of Earth to clean everything up reversing the darkness on the planet to a pure polarity stage of light advancement. Zero point and free energy is available to all humans on the planet removing famine, greed, wars, pollution, and diseases, no more mind control and enslavement systems operating over people’s freedom on the planet.
