Remote Viewing More Than What it seems to be, Sacred Patterns of Reality
I was recently watching a disclosure conference event and I went into a spontaneous remote viewing session where I started seeing old fashioned expensive antique furniture and about eight white starched doilies in several rooms of what looks like a farmhouse style home spread somewhere near between Virginia and the meandering paths leading to Tennessee. There is a hint of old Southern hospitality and charm on this property which is a homestead of a sort and a place to meet to discuss varied points of view regarding the state of affairs in the world and how proper change could come about to make a huge impact difference to change the world for the better.
The surroundings I was seeing outside the property have spacious acreage of land with fields and diligently maintained green areas with parts of forested spaces where horses are ridden with vastness of land being seen all around the property.
As for the main house structure outside its painted not so assuming tones for color not to seem overmuch to detract from the landscape, brick detail work around the home with still a farmhouse style vibe on the outside, not too old and not to new in building fashion for the main structure on the property that is the living space for the people inside it. While inside the home there are aspects of green colors, old fashioned cabinets with reflecting mirrors and attention to detail for historical replicas within the home.
What drew the eye in the first place with the spontaneous remote viewing is that the doilies are long and have the sun motif as well as flower motifs. There are decorative vases and several painted porcelain bowls with fruit and large roses painted on these bowls which the doilies are under.
Now why would I start to see someone's home that has doilies? At first I did not understand the significance of this. However once I started to think about it I realized that doilies are part of sacred geometry patterns. They represent a deeper meaning behind what looks like simple crocheted items of well starched doilies on someone's tables and cabinets. They can tell you how a person lives within the home and these doilies are in pristine white color and mint condition, care is taken to maintain the property inside the home and the grounds. Everything in the home is neat and clean, things are located in their proper places and it’s easy to find stuff within the home because there is a maintenance schedule for decent organization to find things. In the past it was more of a clutter and less organization but the female presence in the home has assured that things are now well organized and kept tidied up on a regular basis to have stability and peace in the home environment where the female and the male reside. There is profound and deep thinking on the males part and the female is concentrating on finally having a home space that is lighter and more secluded for security and peace as a place of sanctuary to come to when no longer traveling odd hours to various place cross country.
Once you get past the white doilies the lesson from seeing them is that the person who collected them has a connection to the land and to having family come home to be together. They provide a place where family is always welcomed home even if there are different family dynamics and lifestyles being lived in the family units. The people living together in the home can see unique perspectives in each other and are not shocked by the quirks that life brings them.
At this point in their lives they are well seasoned to handle anything that comes their way and embrace new journeys of discovery even though they are old hands at collecting information as well as sorting it into its proper slots to reveal secrets long kept hidden from everyone else. They have spent years, hours, and months sorting secrets and documents within previous homes and now this one to organize their archival records to shed some light on the enigmas of the world. These people are not what they seem yet they do have credibility in delivering sincere truth when they put the hard work into it. They can appreciate what they have learned from the past in their history being on Earth and they know what is to come in the future of what the now is shaping up to be in creation. There is some sophistication in anticipating what life will bring them and how they will navigate the events that are going to happen in their lives.
Their home has colors and patterns that represents the people that live within this home that has quiet grandeur that is not obviously overstated but calmly emphasized. The female of the home has purposely created a space of reflective thinking for the current home and the male now spends more of his time in the home as a true base of operations away from the arena of politics and back stabbing within the main cities of social climbing where greed or money speaks louder than honesty and words of integrity.
Honor and integrity have more meaning now in genuine reflection to the two people sharing a home together within the foothills of somewhat quiet seclusion but not totally being away from all of civilization. This has been a decent compromise that the people within the home have reached to have almost normal peace and quiet within their home but still a sense of a wild adventure that can come at any moment to visit them so they are ready to go on new journeys of exploration as the opportunities come their way to make new discoveries in the world around them both normal and otherworldly they live in both worlds of these incoming realities. These people have come a long way in their lives and they like the challenge of adventure with a tad bit of a spark of danger yet having more safety in their lives as they have gotten older in their time here on Earth reaching points of exploration that not many have experienced in their lives to the point of depth and detail that these people have accomplished so far being together up to this mysterious timeline in their joint existences being together. There is cleverness and hidden messages of respect in both people’s lives, a quiet mutual understanding for each other without any public fanfare for what the couple do in their private life together or separately on their mission in life to reach the truth and share it with a wider audiences in this world.
The female has a knack for attention to detail with creative expression of important thought sharing and the male has a presence about him to inspire conversations to discuss topics of value that can help to change the world. These traits complement each other for these two people are together helping each other out in their mission to reveal the truth to the world.
Observations of the Remote Viewing:
I began seeing what looks like a farm style house somewhere between Virginia and Tennessee with a bunch of doilies and bowls with painted flowers as well as nice looking antiques, felt it’s the female that likes that stuff. Inside the house the walls are green in the paint color yet the walls look neutral with the matching wooden antique furniture.
The female and male’s relationship is not a love match but the female partner is intelligent and very helpful in putting together the materials for the disclosure sorting of information and the male likes those qualities hence they have that in common and she decorates their homes well which he appreciates.
She also cleans up his clutter so everything is well organized in the farm style house.
Doilies, bowls with painted flowers, and the antiques are parts of the decor style in the house. The doilies reminded me of the term "Doily House" though the exterior of the home has a brick facade and other parts are not all brick.
Yet the doilies inside the house have an ornate look to them so they are not cheap doilies. And the antiques are real not replicas. The antique furniture is a nice homage to a more traditional old world charm lifestyle as well as a blend of the modern furnishings in their home.
