No Doom Gloom Regarding April Solar Eclipse, No Solar Flash, Pole Shift, Only the Path of Ascension.
NOTE: There is no one solar flash that is a myth it's a sequence of flashes like the sun usually does. Too much cult religious indoctrination that the big solar flash or pole shift will cleanse the world of darkness or transport us instantly into 5D. Same old programming that is a bunch of BS nothing. Ascension is an internal process of the soul into 5D life it's not dependent on some solar flash event or a specific celestial occurrence, its literal soul growth evolution that gets us to 5D if we are ready to go into that reality that makes it happen.
It will be interesting to see if any ETs and their ships appear in physicality in 2025 to officially interact with us as Galactic equals of the universe to have peace and be free of pollution on Earth now that would be something to experience.