In the Comparison of Planet Visitation & Time Travel Through Waterfall Star Gate Way Portals information is discussed about the Star Traveler's experience of going through a waterfall portal that materialized her from a tree on the planet Altaris in the Pleiades. Her story is compared and contrasted to that of JP from Michael Salla's recent article titled Shadow Person Photo taken after Portal Trip to Earth’s Past. Michael Salla's source JP claims that he traveled back in Earth's past via a watery substance portal that appeared in a tree. The two experiences seem similar in that they share the common link of the watery substance portal appearing in trees to transport subjects somewhere either in the past through time travel or somewhere in outer space to other planets.
Link to PDF document of this presentation:
Link to Michael Salla's article: Shadow Person Photo taken after Portal Trip to Earth’s Past
NOTE: The images in this presentation were found and come from the internet as reference likenesses only.